Feline Health Issues

The list below contains scientific references. For more user friendly information regarding  the diseases, symptoms and diagnosis: please look in the database at www.pawpeds.com or search on google. Veterinary Anne-Marie Nilsson book “ Kattens sjukdomar” from 1998 is an excellent book for anybody that has, or is thinking of purchasing a cat. It contains simple explanations and possible remedies for just about anything that could befall a cat physically. SVA has an informative Swedish site on parasites and infectious diseases.

The full length articles of the references in the list can be ordered from the journals where they were published or University libraries, sometimes they can be downloaded for free on the net. The number of published articles gives a hint on how well an area is researched and thereby how much scientific knowledge there is regarding the disease/health issue in cats. I have focused mainly on certain hereditary disorders that are of special interest for the Abyssinian and Ocicat breed.  Literature search was carried out in scientific databases in July 2010.